Tabby hair strand anatomy and pattern. Infographic.

In summary, the tabby pattern is the result of agouti-banded hairs clustering in specific regions, directed by genetic factors, and creating visible markings on the cat’s coat. The tabby pattern in a domestic cat’s coat is created by the arrangement of individual tabby hair strands, which exhibit a unique banding pattern of pigmentation. This …

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Are all domestic cats tabbies?

Stunning black mackerel tabby male cat

When you look at domestic cats today, you see a very wide range of coat types and colours. You would be deceived into believing that all domestic cats are not tabbies but technically they are. It seems that tabby cats are only one part of the wide spectrum of coat types but genetically the …

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Cheetoh Cat – a glamorous and rare cat breed

Cheetoh cat

The Cheetoh Cat is a cross between the well-known wildcat hybrid, the Bengal cat and an Ocicat (non-wildcat hybrid). This is a relatively large, gentle and wild-looking cat. Bengal cat breeders like the wild look. I have decided that this breed is a ‘once removed wild cat hybrid’ as it contains some wild cat …

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Evolution of the blotched tabby pattern of domestic cats

Development of the blotched tabby domestic cat

The time when the blotched or classic tabby pattern, as it is called, emerged among domestic cats is of interest to people in the cat world. The tabby coat is the most common in domestic, stray and feral cats. This is unsurprising because the wild cat ancestor of the domestic cat, the North African …

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What type or breed of cat was Muezza, the cat of Prophet Mohammad?

Ancient tabby cat

People ask whether Muezza was a particular type or breed of cat. They are different questions but I can answer them both together. Muezza is a famous cat. I don’t know for sure whether the cat was female or male but I have seen her referred to as female so I will adopt that. …

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What is a tabby cat?

Spinning wheel cats image

A tabby cat can be any one of the following: a random bred domestic cat, a feral cat, a stray cat, a community cat or a purebred, pedigree cat and even a wild cat; all of which have or can have a certain type of coat. That coat is the original domestic cat coat …

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Why do many domestic cats have white ‘socks’ on their paws?

Tabby cat with white socks

To get straight to the point the reason why domestic cats often have white socks is because during the early centuries of cat domestication people liked to see rare tabby cats with white fur on their paws so they made sure there were more. Today they are called tabby-and-white cats. They are not a …

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