The Furby Project

The Furby Project

by Joyce Sammons
(Hodges, SC, USA)

Darla, Cody, Dreyfuss, Lola and Furby

Darla, Cody, Dreyfuss, Lola and Furby

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm in the process of putting together a children's book. I started Furby a page at what I hope will be a great site: Furby The Feral Feline

I'm trying to get this as the main site for his pictures. The shutterfly people do great photos for my hard copy albums but they also offer an online photo book. You can add text and everything. So I'm kinda, sorta taking everyone's ideas about a book. The first book will be a children's book with some of his best pictures and he'll begin to tell his story there.

Did I ever mention he's handicapped? He is extrememly bow-legged. It's VERY noticeable when he walks. Even his best friend dog critters all have disabilities that kids can relate to.

Dreyfuss is blind in one eye, Cody is mentally and physically challenged from being abandoned as a puppy. And Darla has what has to be the canine form of attention deficit disorder. Plus she was physically abused before I got her. As for Lola, Furby will tell everyone about her in the next few days. Let's just say that until Wednesday she was broken.

All of the article links on Furby can be found here and I'll continue to write the cat articles on POC (please go to the first article on Furby for these links).

My main goal is to create a kid friendly site that the parents will stick to once the kids go to bed. Since all of the stories link into POC it will be good for everyone. I'm creating an online bedtime story that parents can read to their kids and show their kids the basics of computer use without the threat of running into content they don't need to see. Plus help with their reading skills. There will be plenty of pictures and the children's Furby story. Hopefully this will lead to either an e-book or something.

I'll have the children's book done within a week. I have this really great ability to pull things together quickly once I get going. I've chosen the shutterfly site because I'm picking up a lot more traffic on it than on my homestead site.

When I get it complete I'd like for everyone to visit it and send the link to all of your friends and family with kids ages 4-9.

This isn't all my idea. Furby just wants to be a famous cat.

Here's a picture of the entire Furby gang so you can get to know everyone.


The Furby Project to Furby thinks he is Turkish Angora

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The Furby Project

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Mar 16, 2010 Now He Wants a Fan Page!
by: Joyce Sammons

So I used what was left of my brain to start him one. Now I just have to figure out how to link all of his Furby stories to it. He's gonna need fans if he gets any more destructive. He hockeyed my daughters cell phone into the water bowl. Now he's asleep trying to look innocent. This site will have a lot more of his pictures once I get it set up. Please join his club!!!

Mar 14, 2010 Great idea
by: Bob

I think it's a great idea and I wish you the best of luck with it. Just don't let the fame go to Furby's head!

Mar 12, 2010 sweet furby
by: lana

i love your furby stories,and i believe children will too !!<3 he is a very special cat !

Mar 12, 2010 Best of luck
by: Michael

Hi Joyce. I would like to wish you the best of luck on The Furby Project. I'll keep an eye out to see how it is progressing. Feel free to promote it here. I love little Furby's story.

Michael Avatar

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