Twenty-two years is a long time for volunteers to look after a feral cat colony at one particular location. That location is an industrial park in North Redondo Beach, in the County of Los Angeles, USA. You wouldn’t notice it. It looks like a garbage area. It’s about 20′ x 10′ in size and around a dozen feral and semi-feral cats live there supported by a group of committed and kind volunteers.
Seven volunteers look after the cats. One of them is Kim McConnon. It is amazing to think that they pay out hundreds of dollars in food and medical care monthly (do others donate?). This sort of dedication to animals should be rewarded by more than simply seeing the cats survive. These volunteers should be praised and rewarded by the local authority.
Each one of the cats is spayed and neutered and they practice TNR. The cats receive flea treatment and any other medical attention required. The volunteers clubbed together to fork out around $2000 for the dental treatment of one of the cats as he had to have all his teeth removed. They provide this cat with baby-like cat food.
This well established and supported feral cat colony which is tucked away and which very few people know about is slated to be closed on June 15. They have until that date to come up with a solution which looks like relocation. But we know how difficult it is to relocate feral cats.
Kim correctly says that if the sanctuary didn’t exist the cats would not exist either. It might also be worth mentioning that the volunteers will also be very distraught because I am sure that they receive a lot of pleasure out of looking after these cats. The shelter began in 1995. At that time the volunteers came from Northrop Grumman located adjacent to the cat sanctuary. It is they who created the sanctuary.
This select band of Northrop Grumman volunteers cared for the cats during their lunchtime. The bosses supported their work. They asked the landlord of the site in question to let the cats stay.
But a new owner has come on board and there is a new management company, LBA Realty. They insist that the cats must be removed.
“We are sensitive to your dedication and commitment to this cause and would like to work with you to relocate the cats, however since we are not in the pet relocation business, we are relying on your help to do so” – the management company in an email.
LBA Realty are not responding to enquiries by the local newspaper (the source of this article). Another problem is that the executives at Northrop Grumman are, nowadays, less enthusiastic about supporting the feral cat colony adjacent to their business. They support the volunteers but they also appear to support the removal of the cats to a new location.
Executives are helping the volunteers to find a cat sanctuary which would take the cats. They also want the public’s help. Northrop Grumman are prepared to help contribute financially to the move.
Another volunteer, Bob Content also correctly remarked that if the sanctuary was forced to be closed it would most likely be a death sentence the cats. Kim McConnon makes the point that if they could relocate them successfully they would do so but they are concerned that they will return to their original home.
The volunteers argue that as they are operating TNR the population size of the colony is constantly reducing and it could be shut down once the last cat passes away. Fortunately, five of the cats are sufficiently domesticated to be adopted apparently.
If anybody can help to save or relocate this very well-established feral cat sanctuary in North Redondo Beach they are welcome to contact Kim McConnon at (310) 408-6721.
According to everything that TNR practitioners claim, that existing cat-colonies will fight-off any newcomers. I guess you are declaring that even that isn’t true. Yeah, you can see now why people are fed-up with TNR promoters’ consistent lies. Nothing new, and everyone knows it now–even you.
Let’s ignore the stupid remarks of Jacie Drecker, since there’s no indication of the number of cats originally, so natural attrition may well have brought the number down. Possibly a new cat joined the colony here and there – doesn’t happen much but other stupids sometimes will drop one off. So there’s no real indication TNR isn’t working, and studies clearly show ferals don’t have any more disease than owned indoor/outdoor cats. Keep your cats in and they aren’t likely to get anything anyway. In any case, that’s not the question here. But if there’s only a dozen cats and five are adoptable, and there’s 7 volunteers – each volunteer need only take on one, or maybe two until the adoptables find homes – problem solved. Don’t have enough space? Build a cat enclosure – or google “catios”for ideas.
22 years? Everyone was promised that all feral cats would “humanely” die-off from natural “attrition” after only 5-7 years. Why isn’t TNR working as they claim? Perhaps the owners of the property are finally fed-up with the blatant and now-proved lies of TNR cat-caretakers. I don’t blame them, one bit. I would be too. If for no other reason than to protect my own cats from all the deadly diseases that their cats can spread to my own loved cats. There is absolutely nothing sane about what they are doing.