WARNING – Video of Boy Killing Two Kittens

There are earlier updates as the post was first published in around 2012.

Update 3rd Oct 2014: the kittens were killed and the person who allegedly did it is Luka Rocco Magnotta (born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman; July 24, 1982). There is a second video of him feeding kittens to a python (NY Post). This video has spawned a conspiracy theory as the hand of someone else comes into the video. Did he have an accomplice or are they the hands of the snake’s owner? In fact, Luka’s mom says the hand (which does not move) is in the kitten killing video and that it belongs to Emanuel “Manny” Lopez. She wants the police to investigate. As the hand is static it is said that it is not real. Magnotta claims he was forced by Manny to do this terrible deed. But the authorities say it is a fictional character.

Update May 26, 2022: it should be added that a Netflix, three-part, docuseries was created on the back of the activities of a group of amateur Internet sleuths who launched a manhunt for Luka Magnotta after he achieved notoriety in 2010 for sharing this graphic video online of himself suffocating two kittens. The video is the subject matter of this entire page. The docuseries was called “Don’t F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer“.

To bring readers right up to date, the latest American mass murderer, Salvador Ramos, who allegedly shot 19 kids and two adults to death at Robb Elementary School, Texas, wanted fame similar to that portrayed in the Netflix docuseries. It appears that he wanted the same sort of fame that Luka Magnotta attained.

Magnotta was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia as a teenager. He is accused of killing and dismembering Chinese international student Lin Jun. I believe his trial is coming up at the date of this update (more about this at base of page).

Luka Rocco Magnotta the person who filmed himself killing kittens
Luka Rocco Magnotta the person who filmed himself killing kittens

I have found the actual video – see below update: although it worked originally, it no longer works 5 hours later. On YouTube there are other versions of it but they are just a single screen-shot like the one below.

The video starts in a very sinister way. Apparently, he…

….takes two kittens and seals them into a vacuum bag, then sucks all the air out and watches them die. Really sad because the kittens are helpless and the guy and his friends laugh and play Christmas songs….Please help find this sick twisted Maniac..

I have provided these screenshots in case someone deletes the video at source which would leave the screen black here.

Click on the pagination link below to see page 2 and the video

471 thoughts on “WARNING – Video of Boy Killing Two Kittens”

  1. Yo también me vengo enterando por “Que perro hilo” xD. English translation: “I also found out through “Que perro hilo” as per Google Translate.

  2. Bizzarely, this page has been visited probably a million times and it is certainly the most visited page on this site of 26k pages. I had to remove the nasty part of the video because the host company refused to host it but it was complete for years.

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