Leslie walked into the Asheville Humane Society shelter and asked a question:
“Which two dogs have been here the longest, with the most special needs? I’m here to take them both home with me.”
The staff asked her to clarify and then introduced her to Brutus and Sam. Sam has a lot of medical problems and had been at the shelter for six months and Brutus was at the shelter to be euthanized after a surrender and had been there for five months.
Leslie lives in a good-sized home with 2 acres of fenced land. Sam and Brutus have gone to heaven (on earth).
Yes, I know it is about dogs and the site is about cats but the point of the story is obviously the same: wouldn’t it be nice if a lot more people went into shelters and asked Leslie’s question? Hundreds of thousands more cats and dogs would be saved from euthanasia at shelters across America.
Totally agree with you Barbara. This is true love and she gets my undivided admiration.
That IS what truly loving animals is all about! God bless this wonderful woman!