Another kitten rescue from TikTok. A nice one. Lovely woman. There are many cat rescues on social media. Some (hopefully rarely) are sadly contrived and even set up but this one is genuine except that in days gone by no one rescuing a kitten from the middle of a country road where they had completely given up on life would have videoed the rescue.
They’d have just done it anonymously. Nowadays it all has to be captured on video to feed the insatiable appetite of the highly competitive social media market place. But this does not detract from the fact that this very nice woman stopped her car and saved this kitten. (✿◡‿◡). Well done indeed. Great job. I salute you for your kindness.
She named the kitten ‘Laynie’ after the fact that she was lying in the middle of the lane of a road. Kittens that give up do that sometimes. Very dangerous. There have been many kitten rescues from the middle of roads. Bizarre in how this kitten found themselves in the middle of a remote country lane. Or is it?
I’ll speculate as I must: someone dumped the kitten there. They drive down a remote lane, stop the car and place the kitten by the side of the road. The kitten prefers the tarmac and rests there. Nothing to eat or drink and it is a matter of time before they pass or a vehicle drives over them it seems to me, unless a nice lady drives by and saves the day 💕. There is a follow up video of Laynie at home looking much better at the end of the article.

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The rescuer who has a successful TikTok (germonimo4x) page asked her followers for a name:
All of the name suggestions were amazing and it was soooo hard to choose! I kept coming back to this name and thought it fit her so well. I found her laying on Cloverdale St. Her full name is Cloverlane, but Laynie for short!
geronimo4x on TikTok
Interestingly one commenter to the video said this:
I tell my daughter this could be a trap… so be careful when you’re by yourself in a situation like this
I’d never heard that before. It implies that some criminal types place a kitten on or near a road to entice a woman to rescue him/her and expose themselves to being abducted by the criminals who are in hidding in the trees. That’s my interpretation. What is yours? Please comment.
Geronimo4x says this about the rescue: “When your life is in chaos and the cat distribution system says ‘heres a kitty'” which implies that there is a constant stream of abandoned kittens and cats around the countryside who are rescued and adopted by kind people. It is the kind types mopping up the mess made by the unkind types. Germonimo4x describes it as a ‘cat distribution system’. I get it.
It is a great shame that it exists. I don’t know what you think about this ‘cat distribution system’ but I find it unacceptable and I don’t mean the resue bit. I mean the abandonment bit.
RELATED: Tiny kitten rescued just in time is showered with family love