Cats evolved from a North American saber-toothed predator 42 million years ago (2022 research)

Cats evolved from a fierce sabre-toothed predator that prowled North America 42 million years ago, according to new research

Researchers have decided that cats evolved from a fierce saber-toothed predator that occupied North America 42 million years ago. They also decided that this “new species” was among one of the first mammals to be an obligate carnivore. At this time, I don’t have the full report of the study. And therefore, I don’t …

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How have domestic cats evolved since the first wildcat was domesticated?

Persian cat with lion cut on hind legs

This post is specifically about the evolution of the domestic cat since domestication. I do not address the evolution of the wildcat pre-domestication. It’s fairly well-known and currently accepted that the first domestic cats on the planet existed around 10,000 years ago. We don’t know exactly when. It may be earlier than that perhaps …

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Neanderthals were attacked by big cats and hyenas and eaten

Cave in Italy containing the remains of nine Neanderthals eaten by hyenas

Italian archaeologists have unearthed the bones of nine Neanderthals from a hyena den about 100 km south-east of Rome. They think that the hyena den might have been the home of Neanderthals before it was taken over by hyenas. It got me thinking about other predators at that time who fed upon Neanderthals and …

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Why don’t cats drink much water?

Cat drinking from flowing water

Instinctively because of their evolution domestic cats don’t drink much water which can impact their health and drinking habits. Domestic cats have kidneys which are two and a half times more efficient than ours at ridding the body of waste products. This is inherited from their wild cat ancestor. It is a reflection of …

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Feline Evolution in Brief

Sabre-tooth tiger

‘The earliest cat-like carnivores, which were to evolve into the family Felidae appeared between 30 and 40 million years ago, in the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene. Two main branches developed: the Sabre-tooths and the True Cats.’ – Dr Desmond Morris in Cat World. Sabre-tooths These cats had huge curved canine teeth for killing …

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