The story of the new taxonomic classification of the ‘clouded tiger-cat’

Fictional representation of a new subspecies of Oncilla called the 'clouded tiger-cat'

The experts have concluded after careful analysis that there is a new subspecies of Oncilla on the planet and they’ve called it the ‘clouded tiger-cat’. This story is about the reclassification taxonomically of an existing species of small wild cat so that it has been ‘carved out’ of an existing classification when it was …

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When and where was the sand cat discovered?

Sand cat discovered in 1856 by Victor Loche who described the species in this book.

The sand cat was discovered in 1856 by Captain Victor Loche at Ngouca in the sand dunes of eastern Algeria near the Libyan border. He was on an 1856-1857 French expedition to the Algerian section of the Sahara. He was listing and describing the mammals and birds of the area for the book Catalogue …

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The difference between ‘cat breeds’ and ‘cat species’

Difference between breeds and species

It might be useful to quickly go over the difference between ‘cat breeds’ and ‘cat species’. It’s quite as subtle difference but a very important one. In 1758 the modern idea of classifying all the world’s animals and plants began. Humans like to create some order in the world (I am afraid they’ve failed …

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Cats, dogs, horses and cattle are able to crossbreed but birds, fish and reptiles seemingly cannot. Why?

The litigon Cubanacan

The problem with this question is that it is badly formulated. Therefore, it doesn’t really make sense which means it is difficult to answer. If it was well formulated it would still be difficult to answer (for me at least) 😉. I’ll have a stab at it. But it will be an overview. Above: …

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