Why is my cat holding her head down?

Burmese cat with ventroflexion

This condition is called ventroflexion. There are a number of possible causes one of which is a deficiency of thiamin in the cat’s diet. I’d check that out first. Make sure the diet is a good quality commercially prepared food. You may see a near immediate improvement. Consult with your veterinarian. Other COMMON causes …

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Serious neurological disorder caused by pet food in Australia

Serious neurological disorder caused by pet food in Australia

I don’t think I have seen such serious health issues caused by a pet food product than this one. The pet food concerned is Weruva’s Best Feline Friend (BFF). This brand of pet food is also manufactured and sold in America. However there appears to be no connection between the American version of this …

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Advantage II Flea Treatment – Neurological Side Effect

Bayer’s Advantage® II flea treatment for cats contains unlisted inert ingredients that may cause permanent neurological damage to your cat or dog (vetinfo). Advantage® II for cats contains an active ingredient which acts on the nervous system of the flea. It is called: midacloprid, an insecticide. It is interesting to me that it attacks the …

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