Minimizing cat gum disease with diet and bones. Infographic.

Dr Bruce Fogle DVM is well regarded as a vet and writer. In some ways he states the obvious when he recommends that domestic cats be fed chicken with the bones in place and to train cats to accept this from an early age. This is because a diet with bones is entirely natural. …

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Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

This is a video on YouTube by a human doctor talking about the domestic cat diet, specifically, dry cat food and a raw meat diet. He comments about these aspects of the feline diet and decides that dry cat food is “unintentional cat abuse”. He also decides that allowing raw chopped beef to thaw …

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Good gut microbiome when young is important for cat and human health later

God gut and bad gut microbiome health has impact on overall health

The gut microbiome is important for cat health and of course all animals and humans. I am not a vet but I know a bit about cats and also about human health. I also know that if the stomach microbiome is messed up it can cause autoimmune diseases such as inflammation of the arteries …

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Example weight-loss diet for obese cats (infographic)

This example feline weight-loss diet comes from a study about obesity in animals and humans and how it alters the gut biome which in turn impacts overall health. Researchers can learn a lot about the effect on human health of obesity in reference to gut biome by studying cats; on this occasion a group …

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9 rules of happiness in an infographic

Rules of happiness in an infographic

We are not meant to be happy all the time. Nature did not make us that way. Happiness and contentment needs to be measured against unhappiness. We should not regard being depressed as an illness as it is normal unless clinical as diagnosed by a good professional. And being happy requires effort and self-discipline; …

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