Instagram: photo-sharing to animal-selling

Instagram is meant to be a website where people share photos with ease. It is an extension of Facebook where you share words (and photos). Coming, as I have, from a different generation to modern man but still being relatively young in mind, I think there is too much of what I would call …

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Audio: Listen to me explain the medical reasons for Grumpy Cat’s face

Please click on the audio player immediately below (click the little triangle at the left of the bar below these words) and listen to my explanation for why Grumpy Cat – aka Tardar Sauce – has the facial expression that she has. This is an alternative file type if the player fails: If the …

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Tardar Sauce: A Reflection of What is Wrong With Society?

Since the economic downturn in 2008 standards have dropped. Money rules. Politics is increasingly without ethical standards and where has morality gone? Or for that matter, manners? Down the plug hole (Brit speak for drain). I won’t dwell on boring politics but look at Egypt. The USA give Egypt $1.3 billion (1,300,000,000) of American …

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