Are bobcats good climbers?

Bobcat scales 7-foot fence with ease and in a few seconds

Bobcats are good climbers as you might expect. They will climb a tree if and when pursued by dogs or perhaps charged by a deer. However, they spend most of their time on the ground. The video, I think, is quite a nice example of the abilities of the American bobcat to climb very …

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Are bobcats solitary animals?

Bobcat portrait by Dave Welling

The answer to the question as to whether bobcats are solitary animals needs to be nuanced. Some websites bluntly say that bobcats are solitary. I don’t think that it is quite as black and white as that. My reference book states that: “the bobcat, like most other felids, essentially lives a solitary lifestyle”. They …

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Mexican bobcat – subspecies or not?

Mexican bobcat

The Mexican bobcat is still considered a subspecies of the bobcat but perhaps a better description is “potential subspecies” because it is by no means certain that it is different or sufficiently different to the bobcat that is found in the United States and Canada. Members of one subspecies should differ morphologically or by …

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Do bobcats mark their territory? Yes, somewhat like domestic cats.

Bobcat den in snowy rock pile

Yes, according to several sources. Bobcats have home ranges which are well-defined. They are not used by other cats of the same sex. Sometimes they overlap but the common areas are not used simultaneously. It is thought that bobcats don’t defend their home range but indicate their occupancy and avoid encounters with other bobcats …

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