IUCN Red List is broken and needs an overhaul

Slender-billed curlew

Conservationists across the globe rely upon the IUCN Red List (“Red List”) to understand the current status of wild species in terms of their survival and whether they are threatened with extinction. I have visited their website often and noticed how out of date the information is. Often the latest information is about 10 …

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World cheetah population is about 6% of what it was in 1900

Cheetah population today is about 6% of what it was in 1900

Anyone who writes about cats has an obligation to remind readers that the world population of the cheetah has declined catastrophically since the 1900s when there were an estimated 100,000 on the planet while today there are an estimated 6500. The population is severely fragmented and it is decreasing year-on-year. Nothing has changed. A …

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Sand cat has a home range of up to 1,758 square kilometers

Sand Cat

A study has come to the astonishing conclusion that the diminutive sand cat, about the size of a small domestic cat at 7.5 pounds, has an enormous home range in Morocco. Or, perhaps, it doesn’t have a home range at all and is nomadic. Either way the revelation is extraordinary. In Morocco female sand …

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Pallas’s cat is NOT endangered generally the experts say

Pallas's cat in Mongolia

People ask ‘Why are Pallas’s cats endangered?’ but they aren’t according to the people who are meant to know. It is a slightly surprising conclusion by the IUCN Red List people who’ve listed the Pallas’s cat as Least Concern. This is one step better than Near Threatened (see categories below). In other words, they …

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How many jaguars are left in the world 2022?

jaguars in water

There are two very sad facts to report in answering the question in the title. Firstly, there are websites and videos which greatly misrepresent the world population size of the jaguar. For example, there’s a video on YouTube which says that there are almost 200,000 Jaguars in 19 countries including America. The video is …

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