Fighting cats are a danger to themselves and others. Example.

Fighting cats are a danger to themselves and others

When domestic, stray or feral cats – usually males – fight over territory there is blind fury. The fighting can be horrendously aggressive and they often fight with complete abandonment of concern for personal injury to themselves which means they can fall off roofs for example. Fights can take place on flat roofs because …

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Why do cats visit other homes and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

Why do cats visit other houses and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

The answer to the question in the title can be found in the domestic cat’s inherited character. Each domestic cat has their own “home range”. This is the territory that they call their space in much the same way that people call their apartment or their house their home. And a domestic cat’s home …

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Should I neuter my cat? Ask a cat breeder.

2012 a breeding queen

A person who wants to adopt a male cat might ask why they should neuter their cat if they are going to be indoors full-time and there will be no other cats in the home; no chance of procreation. Incidentally, the word “neuter” has two meanings. It can mean the removal of the male …

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Who’s more territorially aggressive? The human or the cat?

Putin murders thousands of innocent civilians to try and claim the independent territory of Ukraine

We think of cats as territorial and of male cats aggressively fighting each over their territory but humans are infinitely worse. The infographic summarises the situation at 2023. But you can look back in history and see all the wars over territory. The list is too long. Anyway, I don’t need to research it. …

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Why do domestic cats still wish to maintain a home range?

Domestic cat home range in Australia

The reason why the domestic cat’s wildcat ancestor maintains a home range i.e. a section of landscape that they call home, is because they want to protect a food resource. This makes sense. It’s about survival. The domestic cat, in a typical home where they are well looked after, has a ready-made food source. …

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Do bobcats mark their territory? Yes, somewhat like domestic cats.

Bobcat den in snowy rock pile

Yes, according to several sources. Bobcats have home ranges which are well-defined. They are not used by other cats of the same sex. Sometimes they overlap but the common areas are not used simultaneously. It is thought that bobcats don’t defend their home range but indicate their occupancy and avoid encounters with other bobcats …

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Domestic cat territory – home ranges vary widely

How large is domestic cat territory? As large as the front living room. No, I am being sarcastic but for some this is almost true. I am talking about what is referred to as the ‘home range’ of the domestic cat when free to roam as a high percentage are in the UK, but …

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If my cat attacks someone, am I criminally responsible?

Mercy and one of her wounds

The answer to the question will depend on where you live because each country has their own animal and general criminal laws. However, I would expect that what I say here will apply to all developed countries. In developing countries, the law is likely to be more slipshod. In the UK, the country’s lawmakers …

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