Five reasons in an INFOGRAPHIC why some cats foul the house

Five reasons why a cat might defecate inappropriately

‘Fouling’ means defecating in this instance. Domestic cat marking with faces as opposed to urine is not uncommon and the reason behind the territorial marking will fundamentally be the same. Other than territorial issues there is health and the all-important litter box management in terms of cleanliness and position. The size of the litter …

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Why do cats hate closed doors? Infographic explains.

Cat looks up at a closed door

This is a really rapid read to suite those on the move. The infographic below answers the question in the title. The answer applies more to the old-fashioned but still current way of allowing cats outside unsupervised in many countries where they will scent mark their home range. If a cat is indoors full-time …

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How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

I think this is quite a complicated question and I’ll try and tell you why. I’m mainly thinking of the full-time indoor cat scenario where there might be half a dozen cats living in the owner’s home. From the cats’ perspective, the house will be divided up into six ‘home ranges’ which overlap in …

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Who’s more territorially aggressive? The human or the cat?

Putin murders thousands of innocent civilians to try and claim the independent territory of Ukraine

We think of cats as territorial and of male cats aggressively fighting each over their territory but humans are infinitely worse. The infographic summarises the situation at 2023. But you can look back in history and see all the wars over territory. The list is too long. Anyway, I don’t need to research it. …

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Why does my cat use the scratching post when I get home?

Cat uses scratching post when I get home. Why?

This is a short post because the answer to the question is, I believe, obvious. Although my reason might not be the correct one every time but it’ll be the most common reason. When a cat’s owner is away from their home it is often for quite a long time from the cat’s perspective, …

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Infographic on the reasons why cats scratch armchairs

Cat scratching furniture

This is a hugely debated topic on the internet and has been for years so nothing new here except this is a free-to-use infographic covering the main points. For me the last point in the infographic is the most important. When the family cat destroys a favorite armchair, I understand the consternation. It is …

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24 facts on problems with multi-cat households and some solutions

Multi-cat home problems

People make the mistake that two cats will automatically be company for each other. They might sometimes but often they don’t become friends. In the worst-case scenario, it may be necessary to rehome one of them. When siblings grow up, they may be no more friendly with each other than unrelated cats. They become …

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