FIP awareness advocate builds an indoor playground for his 24 cats

This is a happy ending story I want to share because, face it, we all need a happy ending right about now. It will also be short since the video and photos are most important.

I would absolutely love to do this! Can you imagine 300 linear feet of walkways and approximately 16 tunnels?

Peter Cohen began rescuing cats quite by accident. The house he bought 30 years ago came with two stray cats. One had been hit by a car and to keep that cat company during recovery he adopted two kittens. Peter quickly became a cat lover and continued to rescue cats.

He was inspired by a house owned by Bob Walker in San Diego and, being a builder, he and his construction team began remodeling his house so his cats would have plenty to keep them entertained and happy.

The home has become an outlet for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) awareness and education. Not only does he do YouTube videos to promote education, he’s also working on drug trials with UC Davis.  Peter says his cat Smokey is one of the first cats cured of FIP.

Smokey cured of FIP

It takes around 800 cans of food (Peter says that’s 24 cans per night) as well as 25 pounds of dry food each month to feed the cats. Any money that comes in goes to support the cats and to support FIP research. It’s not just a way to entertain through YouTube, he has a purpose now.

You’d think 300 linear feet would be enough for him and his cats. He keeps looking for places to add on in his home. Have any of you created “creature comforts” for your cat? Please share any photos and ideas in the comment section.

Photos are screenshots from the YouTube video. Click on this link to see all the articles on FIP on this site. There are some great ones.

Modern Treatments for FIV, FeLV and FIP

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3 thoughts on “FIP awareness advocate builds an indoor playground for his 24 cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Just WOW! I have only seen one other video of a home built like this for cat happiness.

    This guy is a total hero, his support for the search for a cure for FIP is just the beans.

    His cats look very well cared for and so happy.

    I wonder if the FIP research is focussed on ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ forms of FIP?

  3. I didn’t even know the breakthrough had been made. I don’t keep up with or write on cat health issues because I don’t want to give the readers incorrect information. I do know UC Davis is on top of cat-related research.

  4. Wow! I am impressed by Peter Cohen and his cat friendly home. What especially caught my attention was the news about his cat Smokey. A cure for FIP is a phenomenal breakthrough. I wonder how long have they followed Smokey’s progress? This sounds very promising for cats with FIP.😮💜💜🐾

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