Domestic cats operate on instinct placing a high level of responsibility on owners. Infographic.

Perhaps it is fair to say that sometimes cat owners (caregivers) forget that their feline friend operates on DNA hard-wired instinct as they are often seen as little human members of the family which is nice. Moreover, this DNA is inherited from their wildcat ancestor. The domestic cat’s behaviour is rooted in the behaviour …

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In general, humans don’t like their anatomy. INFOGRAPHIC.

In general - there are many exceptions - humans don't like their anatomy. Infographic.

In general – there are many exceptions – humans don’t like their anatomy. Infographic. by Michael Broad More: human behaviour Is there any connection between the infographic and cats?! Well, I believe that there is. It’s about sterility. A lot of what we do to ‘improve’ our anatomy is to make it more sterile …

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PETA push for full-time indoor cats by highlighting outdoor cat cruelty cases. This is half the story, though.

Keeping cats indoors is good for safety but there needs to be a concomitant effort to make their substitute indoor world interesting

It seems that PETA are campaigning for more full-time indoor cats because of a ‘plague’ of ‘poisonings, shootings, burnings, and beatings’ of outdoor cats across the US. They want to abolish the concept of indoor-outdoor cats because it leads to animal cruelty. The quotes below and their video explains. I can’t watch these videos …

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Behavioral enrichment protects elderly dogs against dementia. Infographic.

Teach an old dog new tricks to protect against dementia. Infographic

I have converted a text article reporting on this study by researchers from the universities of Kentucky and California (published in The Journal of Neuroscience) into an infographic so that it can be read very quickly without the need to wade through technical terminology. The basic finding probably confirms what many dog owners and …

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A majority of Australians are in favor of domestic cat containment

Domestic cat in a sparsely furnished modern home which has not been made mentally stimulating for the cat

The perennial issue of cat containment in Australia has resurfaced. The Conversation, in collaboration with Monash University, conducted a study to gauge the support among 3,400 participants for cat containment policies. These policies would mandate that cat owners confine their pets to their property, presumably indoors or within a designated outdoor enclosure. The study …

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Pros and cons of taking your leash-trained cat to public places for walks

Woman takes her cat for a walk in the evening in suburbia

I’d like to provide my input first and secondly I have added the experiences of others with their thoughts and advice. Whether leash training and taking your cat for a walk in a public place is good or bad depends on a variety of factors, the most important of which is the character of …

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Is it illegal in the UK to stop cats from hunting?

Indoor live enriched for domestic cats where they can express natural behaviors as per the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the five freedoms

The title is provocative. It’s meant to be as I want to provoke some questions. An article on the Catster website by Dr. Karyn got me thinking (thank you). She advocates keeping cats indoors full-time but she is aware that you need to make the environment inside the home suitable for a cat to …

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The reason why cats knock things over and how it can be avoided

Why cats knock things over

This is a response to the Bored Panda article on why cats knock things over and how to stop them. The veterinary student author of that article lists many reasons why domestic cats knock things over. What we are talking about is cats jumping up onto a table, sideboard or a mantelpiece and knocking …

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