Man who put his cat in a blender video jumped

This is a disturbing and confusing story but I have gradually unravelled it since posting this page. And the wording of the title I have used for this post is confusing as well. It is taken from Twitter. Please read the whole page as the end is important – I tracked down the man involved. Update: this man is Xu Zhihui – Xu Mouhui – Jack Hot Strip – Jack Spicey Strip. I have another page on another website on him too which adds to this page (click here – opens new window/tab so you stay on this page).

UPDATE: Because the advertisers might find some of the media unacceptable to them, I have to present the images and video on separate pages where there are no adverts. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please just click on the links as they arise to see the media. Thanks.

The video on Twitter shows a gang of men beating up a man on the street (click on the link below). The headline appears to tell us that they are doing this because he killed his cat by putting ‘it’ into a food blender. That’s what the title implies. Did this really happen? Not sure but I think the man being beaten up is the man who created a gaming app in which cats are killed in a food blender and who also tortures and kills cats in real life. Update: it is not clear now that this is Xu. It is claimed the video was captured in The Netherlands! It’s smoke and mirrors as usual.

This page has been updated a few times and has become a little disjointed – another apology I am afraid. It has become clearer to me that this cat torturer/killer is real. And there appears to be a group of them – see link at base of article.

Click to see the video

Update immediately after publishing this page: This is another tweet: “Remember the “Cat in the blender” video? Well, we found our suspect. This person has been killing cats since 2013″. So, the guy has really been killing cats and not in a game. For more information search: Kediyi Mikrodalga on Google. Please spread this person’s identity”. Kediyi Mikrodalga translates from Turkish to “microwave the cat”
that’s why you’ll see videos like that when searching for the name.

The link below goes to the picture accompanying the above tweet. It looks as though the man who created the video game was actually killing cats in real life.

CLICK THIS TO SEE a series screenshots of a man trying to stuff a cat into a microwave

Here is a video of someone in Turkey trying to microwave their cat (it seems but is this a fake?). You can see that the image above is comprised of screenshots of this video. As I said at the beginning, it is confusing. Update: the video no longer works but the link to the image above has screenshots of it.

This is the disgusting video game that I wrote about ages ago (see link below). I wonder if what we see in the video is linked to my article about the video game? I say that because recently there was a surge in viewings of a thumbnail image of the notorious blender full of the bloody remains of the fictional cat.

Here is a screenshot from that video game. Please click on this link to see the image. And SEE THE PAGE REFERRED TO BY CLICKING ON THIS FOLLOWING LINK: Cat Killer Gaming App

Yes, the game’s concept is horrible. Completely unacceptable and the man who dreamt it up should be criticised and he was; by me. But beaten up!? No. I am not sure if this video is genuinely about the man in question. It could be someone else. The internet these days is smoke and mirrors. It is opaque and confusing sometimes. But as you can see things became clearer to me.

I said this at the time:

“The idea for this grisly gaming app for mobile devices is the brainchild of Fred Mastropasqua. He presents the fundraising appeal in the video below.”

The video game maker was seeking funding to build the app. Bizarre really when you can see that the game is bound to be unacceptable to the majority. He clearly had lost his moral bearings if he ever had them. If there are enforceable regulations concerning video games, this one would not have been approved. I’m not even sure that it was made.

This is a Twitter tweet from ‘July’

A man with nickname “Jie Ke La Tiao” is abusing & killing cats: puts cat into blender, use toothpicks to stab deeply into cats paw, electric shock cats, using knife to get Cat embryo during streaming to public. Please let more people know it! Need your voice!!!???? Please!!!!

Note: this is a different name to the one I unearthed below. Is it the same person or a member of a gang who are torturing cats? Don’t know. Click the link below to see the accompanying image to the above tweet.

Cat in blender. Image: Twitter

Further Update: I believe that have discovered who this cat torturer and killer is. His name is Xu Zhi Hui and it is alleged that he has been killing cats for a long time and he sells cat abuse videos on various cat software and forums. Apparently, he has more than 400,000 followers on social media. I will look into that as well. Update: I waded into Chinese social media websites looking for this man without success. It is hard to dig deep into Chinese websites as they are alien to Westerners with a big language barrier despite using Google Translate.

It alleged that he has killed cats in a food blender and he has tortured them in various ways. All of which are completely horrific. Yes, he appears to both the man who wrote the video game and who kills cats in real life as encouraged by the disgusting video game.

Xu Zhi Hui
Xu Zhi Hui. Image in public domain.

I’m told that he’s been arrested for animal cruelty. His other name is Jack Latiao. He was arrested on April 27, 2023 apparently. That was for killing the cat in a blender. People filed a complaint and the police investigated.

I have not, of course, seen the video of the cat being killed in a blender. I’ve not seen the video. But allegedly it exists and it is probably on a website hosted in China.

Further update and cross-post. Please click the link below for some updates and overlap with this post.

Xu Zhihui – Xu Mouhui – Jack Hot Strip – Jack Spicey Strip leads a gang torturing/killing street cats in China

Below are a couple of links to some more bizarre and cruel cat killing stories.

Here is another update. A guy on TikTok says that there are a group of Chinese men in China blending live cats routinely. And please see the claim below about a group of cat abusers operating together.

Tweet claims a group of Chinese guys are killing cats in food blenders (and microwaves?)

1 thought on “Man who put his cat in a blender video jumped”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I think that’s an oven not a microwave. even if it is, he only put it on for 2 seconds. terribly wrong even then, of course!

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