My feral yellow cat comes home to feed

My feral yellow cat comes home to feed

by Dorothy
(Central Coast, California )

My Feral Yellow Cat - Photo by Dorothy

My Feral Yellow Cat - Photo by Dorothy

I posted the story of Yellow Cat a while back and he continues to be our personal feral cat (see the post here: Yellow Cat). He’s very ‘spooky’ still, but I can at least look at him through the window. If he sees me, he doesn’t run unless I attempt to come closer. He eats right at the back door, where sometimes Bigfoot is on the other side of the glass talking to Yellow Cat. Yellow just ignores him.

feral cat igloo home
Yellow cat's igloo home - photo by Dorothy

Just before the rains started, I bought him this igloo in hopes he would have the wisdom to use it during what was promised to be a very raining season. Well, he certainly ate in there, but I later put in a small round black bed to the back of the igloo, that would surely show signs he’d slept there with that thick yellow fur of his. He never did sleep there. Though it is a nice dry place to eat.

interior of feral cat igloo home very cosy
Yellow cat's igloo home, the interior
photo by Dorothy

Last week, I didn’t see Yellow Cat for more than three days. I was very worried about him, just like he was my own cat. He didn’t eat, and there was no sign of him. I expected the worst, and was surprised at myself the lump in my tummy with sadness and worry. Lo and behold, he showed up again, very hungry. I had spent weeks trying to get a good photo of him, but it is difficult. It so happens, the house was quiet and the timing was just right – and I was able to get these shots.

You can tell in a couple of the pictures that his right ear was clipped at the end, which means he’s been trapped and neutered. I’m calling him a he now because I saw him do the ‘spraying’ behavior on a bush outside. I’m not sure if he actually sprayed, but he postured as if he did.

yellow tabby feral cat
The man again..Mr Yellow - photo by Dorothy

He’s a beautiful cat. He reminds me of Michael’s recent post of an American Bobtail. Now I’m wondering how the summer will go, with all that fur.

I realize he is a free spirit. Locals say he’s very old and has been around a long time. Note his muscles. He flings himself over a 6 foot fence like it is nothing.

I’m very happy he decided our house was a safe haven to mooch food. He’s beautiful to watch out the window. I think he is getting more used to me, as yesterday after eating, he retreated only 12 feet, and gave himself a nice bath. I watched the whole thing out the kitchen window. Voyeur that I am.


See Bigfoot by Dorothy

My feral yellow cat comes home to feed to Feral cats

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My feral yellow cat comes home to feed

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May 14, 2011 Thanks Vindra
by: Dorothy

I was pleased to see this comment, as it has been well over a year that Yellow decided our property was a safe haven for her. She is consistent, and we have a great relationship. But there are rules....HER rules. She'll come up to the back door, very early in the morning...and rub on the screen door, and look like a loving little cat. When I slowly open the door, she darts back about 4 feet, and sits. Watching me. Looking at the food. She waits. When the door slides closed, she watches it closely until it snaps shut...then she eats. It is almost like a game. I've decided that maybe after these two years, she is probably NOT going to cuddle with me, and that's okay. She thanks me by doing her after eating cleaning somewhere where I can watch. She sleeps in the yard in plain view, so I can see her many times during the day.

I shared a little video of Yellow and her friend Shadow, resting on the heated pad I put out for them in the winter

She is sweetly bathing him. He is let out of his house early in the morning during the week, and she always eats a little of her food, then waits under the bush by his house until he comes out, then she eats with him. She loves it when they are touching heads while they eat. It is like a 'play' presented JUST for me, daily.

I think it is important to help the feral cats. Especially if there is a need for TNR. But I never thought I'd be so rewarded by having my beautiful outside cat. Miss Yellow.


May 14, 2011 cat rescuer
by: vindra

I know the feeling, of each new cat that comes by and thanks for all the kind people that take the time to feed and put out clean fresh water for the carefree little souls. They still need us just as much as we need them.
But there is a PROBLEM OF STRAY DOMESTICATED CATS through out the world, Greek, Italy and those countries treat their homeless animals terribly.

Mar 23, 2010 Mr. Yellow & Mr. Big Tuxedo
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Hi Dorothy,

Thanks for the kind words. If I can find my camera again, I'd love to snap a photo of our Mr. Big Tuxedo cat. He's still skittish, but not so much when he sees food. Sometimes he comes right over, sometimes he doesn't...just like a cat...when he feels like it, LOL!

Our little long-haired miss with the fluffy tail hasn't quite allowed me to touch her yet; however, she's no longer shy when it comes to being hungry. She'll stand outside the porch door and sing away until she gets her food. She converses too should anyone decide to chat her up.

Meanwhile, my Sadie only cares that she gets fed FIRST! Providing I do that, she doesn't much care what happens outside, except to be picked up periodically to see the birds eat dry cat food on a higher perch whilst the ferals enjoy their wet/dry combo on the ground. Once she sees all is right with the world, she'll give me a love tap, jumps down and off she scoots into kitty play!

Mar 20, 2010 With a bit of luck...
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Dorothy. This cat looks absolutely fantastic. It's so nice that he has gained enough confidence to eat right outside your windows. Getting close to him will take patience, yes, but we all know from some of Bob's stories how fast things can evolve once the cat decides to trust the human.
With a bit of luck you'll be able to touch yellow cat this summer and in the fall he'll move in with Bigfoot. 😉

Finn Frode avatar

Mar 02, 2010 Thanks Gail
by: Dorothy

I am encouraged that you were able to 'touch' your feral after two years. I'm in it for the long haul. He certainly is doing fine in NOT being pet by me but I think it would be a mutually nice experience.

Good to hear you agree with the ear tipping. I was sure they did it under anesthesia, and I'm glad I noticed it was clipped. I was dreading the the thought of the trap neuter routine. I'm sure I read about the ear tipping somewhere on this website.

Is Tuxedo cat still with you? Is there a picture here somewhere? I'm sure Michael would LOVE to see him, as would I.


Mar 02, 2010 Ear Tipping Mr. Yellow Cat
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Dorothy, I felt somewhat the same way about tipping a feral cat's ear to indicate it's been trapped/neutered. I've changed my mind somewhat since volunteering at our local shelter.

I wondered about the procedure and was told by the shelter manager that it is done whilst they are under sedation during neutering. The reason for tipping is precisely your experience - with tipping, it is an obvious TNR sign so we don't have to stress them out trying to trap them again.

Your yellow feral is just gorgeous! Hopefully, he will allow you near him some day. It took me 2 years with a huge tuxedo feral to be able to pet him. He's still a bit apprehensive, but he sees the food dish and comes willingly now.

Feb 26, 2010 To Joyce
by: Dorothy

I know, I know Joyce. I'm begging to get the chance to sink my fingers into that fur. I'm okay if it doesn't happen, and I'll take it very slow. Meanwhile...It is so good to have him around. Fortunately, we live in an area where there aren't dozens of feral cats. There is a lovely cat lady (not crazy, lol) who works at the local school who I've learned is responsible for trapping and neutering. I'm not sure how I feel about the nip off the ear, but it does save the animal the trauma of an unnecessary trapping, only to find out they are already neutered. Is there another solution? I don't know. I think the biggest risk to the small number of ferals we have here are the foxes and coyote's. But Mr. Yellow has lived apparently a good long life escaping those perils.

Kiss that little Furby boy for me.

Feb 25, 2010 He's Beautiful
by: Joyce Sammons

I would make it my life's mission to pet this cat. I'm glad he has you to spoil him.

Feb 25, 2010 Love the man
by: Michael

I think Mr Yellow is gorgeous. He looks big and brave! I'd prefer him to a purebred cat but that is just me.

I am very impressed by the igloo, and the interior looks absolutely deluxe. As cosy as you can get it.

I hope that you aren't upset by him because feral cats can wander and disappear etc.

In the meantime, well done. I like this story.

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