Knowledgeable, experienced cat owners do things that cats don’t like

Cat does not like their owners behavior even though he is experienced and knowledgeable

The information for this article on human-to-cat interactions comes from a study which I cite at the end of this article. I’m not saying that all people with lots of knowledge about cat caregiving and lots of experience always interact with their cat in a way that their cat doesn’t like. What I am …

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Can cats and dogs sense human intentions?

Dog recognises the good intentions of this man who wants to help

Yes, is the answer to the question in the title and that assessment comes from scientific studies which have shown that cats and dogs can read humans through their body language and voice and from personal experience and anecdotal evidence. The video on this page is an example. A good one and a good …

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Do cats understand human crying?

Do cats understand human crying?

Pick up our emotions Do cats understand human crying? This is a tricky question but it is almost certain that cats don’t understand human crying per se but they do pick up our emotions through our body language and general demeanour. Cats feed off of human emotions. And our emotions are on display to …

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