Knowledgeable, experienced cat owners do things that cats don’t like

Cat does not like their owners behavior even though he is experienced and knowledgeable

The information for this article on human-to-cat interactions comes from a study which I cite at the end of this article. I’m not saying that all people with lots of knowledge about cat caregiving and lots of experience always interact with their cat in a way that their cat doesn’t like. What I am …

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6 signs your cat might be lonely. Discussion.

Lonely cat

This is a commentary on Dr. Sarah Wooten’s thoughts on lonely domestic cats and how they tell us that they are lonely (see video at base of article). How many domestic cats are lonely and bored? We don’t know. We should know. This topic gets mashed up with the idea that domestic cats sleep …

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When it is time to admit failure and rehome your cat

Old male cat screams all the time when living in a one-bedroom apartment and the female owner is at the end of her tether

There is a woman on the website who is completely at the end of her tether. She hates the cat that she adopted. She had waited all her life to adopt a cat of her own. When she finally bought her own one-bedroomed flat on the second floo she adopted an older male …

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Earless tortie cat the first to be rehomed by Battersea Dogs & Cats in lockdown

Missy after the op

From a medical standpoint this is a story about domestic cat head shaking. It is instructional. It is also a story about the brilliant work carried out by this famous animal rescue centre. A lot of people ask, ‘Why is my cat shaking her head?’ It is a common health problem. This is a …

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