Humans created the mess making cat culling necessary

Image by DALL·E 2024-10-30 08.13.04 - A wild, feral cat on a remote island, with rough, matted fur and intense eyes, prowling across rocky terrain. The island is rugged with sparse vegetation. The cat preys on a captive native island species unfamiliar with predators.

The BBC is asking whether cats should be culled to stop extinctions. Of course, the author is discussing the culling of feral cats primarily in places where there are native species preyed upon by these cats. There have been rare instances of species being made extinct by predation from feral cats; hence the question. …

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British government considered the mass culling of all domestic cats at the outbreak of Covid-19

Mass culling of domestic cats debated by British government in early days of pandemic

NEWS AND VIEWS: It has come to light in a Channel 4 interview involving Lord Bethell, the former deputy health minister from 2020-2021, that in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the British government appeared to have seriously considered culling the entire population of domestic cats in the UK in order to prevent …

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