Breeders and trainers make banning dog breeds unsuccessful. Infographic.

It is dawning on the UK government and I suspect other legislators that banning dog breeds because they are dangerous is impractical and unsuccessful. Any dog breed can be dangerous and any dog breed can be a wonderful pet. It is all down to selective breeding and training. The sad thing is that any …

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Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that dog walkers take out?

Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together?

Following the tragic death of Natasha Johnston, 28, from Croydon, south London, after being attacked by the dogs that she was walking as a professional dog walker, a coroner has written to the Home Secretary in the UK to recommend restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together. Note: some UK …

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Your employer decides if you can take an emotional support dog to work (UK)

Deborah Cullingford and Bella her emotional support dog

UK: Emotional support dogs and/or therapy dogs (or cats) are not protected in law in the UK and therefore there is no obligation for an employer to allow them in the workplace with their owner. It’s down to each employer (organisation) to decide if an employee can take an emotional support or therapy dog …

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Risks and rewards on micro-chipping full-time indoor cats

Microchip indoor cats to take advantage of the potential rewards in a risk/reward assessment

Full-time indoor cats can escape their home. This means that micro-chipping full-time indoor cats is important. Perhaps it is even more important for full-time indoor cats because if and when they escaped the home they are more likely to be anxious, confused and lost. Note: disclaimer: I am not a vet but a good …

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Can African leaders PROVE that trophy hunting supports conservation?

Trophy hunting in Africa. Walter Palmer the Minnesota dentist used a bow and arrow to try and kill Cecil a well-known African lion

The leaders of the African nations: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe believe that they can prove that trophy hunting supports the conservation of their iconic species. But can they? My research indicates that they can’t. Note: there are vital negative aspects of trophy hunting as it is a form of artificial …

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Countdown to compulsory cat microchipping in England

Countdown to compulsory cat microchipping in England on 24th June 2024

From 24th June 2024, cat owners must ensure that their cats are microchipped under the law: “Cats Protection is delighted that pet cats in England will be given the same protection as dogs when it comes to microchipping. The charity regularly reunites owners with their much-loved cats, and in most cases this is only …

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Illegal to bring young or pregnant puppy farm or kitten mill animals into the UK

Selaine Saxby who introduced the private members bill to shut down the cruel and illegal trade in importing young dogs and cats into the UK from mainland Europe

Legislation is currently going through Parliament in the UK to ban the importation of cats and dogs bred at cruel puppy farms and kitten mills often in Romania and Poland on the European continent. This has been a big ongoing problem in the UK for quite a long time. Private members bill The proposed …

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