Feral, stray and domestic cat contraception roundup. Infographic.

Cat contraception would be wonderful especially for feral cats with a focus on the persecuted feral cats of Australia. Think of the huge amount of pain and distress caused to feral cats by the authorities on that continent in an effort to make feral cats extinct through shooting and poisoning. Contraception would be painless …

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Humans created the mess making cat culling necessary

Image by DALL·E 2024-10-30 08.13.04 - A wild, feral cat on a remote island, with rough, matted fur and intense eyes, prowling across rocky terrain. The island is rugged with sparse vegetation. The cat preys on a captive native island species unfamiliar with predators.

The BBC is asking whether cats should be culled to stop extinctions. Of course, the author is discussing the culling of feral cats primarily in places where there are native species preyed upon by these cats. There have been rare instances of species being made extinct by predation from feral cats; hence the question. …

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Using gene therapy to achieve long-term reproductive control in female cats

Durable contraceptives for feral cats

This is a report on a study looking at a durable contraceptive for female feral cats to try and control numbers in the US. We constantly read about feral cats decimating wildlife although, if we are honest, we don’t know accurately the impact feral cats have on the population numbers of the feral cats’ …

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Possible cat contraceptive injection for the not-too-distant future

Cat contraception

Today, The New York Times reports on cat contraception. This, as I see it, is the Holy Grail for many people concerned about the procreation of stray and feral cats. TNR programs are effective in a limited way because they are conducted in a limited way. The task is too big to control the …

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Non-chemical method of female cat contraception

Non-chemical feline contraception

There have been some contraceptive pills for cats available in the past but as I understand it, they produce side effects that were unwelcome and/or they are not a hundred percent effective which is why people go for the surgical route on feline contraception. There is a third option which is artificial stimulation of …

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Cat Contraceptive

Cat Contraceptive

Cat owners are not used to discussing cat contraceptives because it is commonplace to neuter and spay domestic cats. Why aren’t cat contraceptives more popular? It is probably because (1) cats are the patients rather than people and it is easier and more certain to spay female cats than to administer contraceptives and (2) …

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Just What the Australian Authorities Are Looking for: Injectable Contraception for Feral Cats!

I can’t leave this discussion alone. The discussion about how the Australian authorities are deciding how to deal with what they consider to be a national pest and destroyer of native wildlife: the feral cat. There must be a more humane, reasonable and decent way of dealing with the feral cats other than poisoning …

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