Peter III, Downing St. cat appointed in 1947, had to catch his own dinner

Peter III

Peter III, also known as the ‘third Peter’, holds the record as the longest-serving chief mouser at Downing Street. He served for an impressive 17 years under five different prime ministers: Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Harold Macmillan, and Alec Douglas-Home. Peter III became the successor to Peter II, who tragically died after …

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Bearskin hats bring shame to the UK says Stephen Fry

UK Ministry of Defence insist on using the skins of Canadian black bears to make hats for their guards when an excellent, synthetic alternative is available about which they make no comment it seems.

NEWS AND OPINION: Steven Fry, a well-respected and indeed loved, highly intelligent British celebrity, actor and comedian, has condemned the UK’s Ministry of Defence for insisting that their guards continue to wear bearskin hats made from genuine Canadian black bear pelts when synthetic alternatives made to a high standard and meeting requirements of drying …

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White Coat Waste Project effectively lobbies the American government to stop cruel animal testing funded by unwitting taxpayers

White Coat Waste Project's aim: Stop taxpayer funded animal testing in the USA

White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a non-profit organisation of around 20+ staffers making dramatic inroads into the immoral and unjustifiable funding of cruel and wasteful experiments on dogs and other animals at home and overseas by inter alia the National Institutes of Health (NIH), American’s single largest fund of animal testing. WCW is …

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British government briefly considered ordering all domestic cats to be killed

The British government considered killing all domestic cats in the UK during Covid

Cast your mind back to the Covid-19 pandemic which incidentally has not entirely finished. People are still dying of it. And remind yourself that this is a zoonosis or a zoonotic disease, one that can infect animals and the human-animal alike and transfer from one to the other which is how it started in …

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North Korea is hell on Earth for cats and dogs

North Koreans are starving to death thanks to his policies

For three and a half years North Korea has been shut off from the rest of the world. The Covid-19 pandemic started the process. But before that they were an unknown nation. Except for the little man with a funny haircut. The world knows his appearance rather too well because he likes to develop …

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US sends $1.3 billion to China and Russia (funding cat experiments) while their national debt relentlessly climbs. Michigan might ban declawing.

NEWS AND OPINION-AMERICA: For me, it looks very peculiar. Two recent news stories coming out of America just don’t square up. The US has just extended the national debt level upwards so that they can continue to pay the bills. The chart below tells you how the debt ceiling has constantly climbed and it …

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Conservative UK government allow animal testing for cosmetics after 25-year ban

Animal testing for cosmetics

NEWS AND OPINION: To compound their earlier failures particularly those of Liz Truss, the short-lived former Prime Minister, this dying conservative government has allowed the use of animal testing for cosmetics to protect the workers making the products after this form of animal testing was banned in the UK in 1998. The BBC reports …

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British government considered the mass culling of all domestic cats at the outbreak of Covid-19

Mass culling of domestic cats debated by British government in early days of pandemic

NEWS AND VIEWS: It has come to light in a Channel 4 interview involving Lord Bethell, the former deputy health minister from 2020-2021, that in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the British government appeared to have seriously considered culling the entire population of domestic cats in the UK in order to prevent …

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