Example weight-loss diet for obese cats (infographic)

This example feline weight-loss diet comes from a study about obesity in animals and humans and how it alters the gut biome which in turn impacts overall health. Researchers can learn a lot about the effect on human health of obesity in reference to gut biome by studying cats; on this occasion a group …

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Breeders need to selectively breed out genetic mutation that makes 25% of Labradors flabby

Breeders need to selectively breed out genetic mutation that makes 25% of Labradors flabby

Flabby labradors suffer from a genetic mutation that affects 25% of the breed making them obsessed with eating and burning less energy in their metabolism. Why do the dog associations and clubs allow this to happen? It can be fixed by culling (removing from breeding/blood lines) those breeding dogs that carry this genetic mutation …

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