A dog’s breed is generally a poor predictor of their behaviour. Infographic.

Banning dogs based on appearance is immoral?

This is Nathan Winograd’s pet campaign and it is a good one. I think he hates the lack of science behind the banning of a dog breed because they are aggressive and dangerous. The title to this post sums up the issue. The recent banning of XL Bully dogs in the UK is a …

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Angst over possible ban of dachshund in Germany

Dachshund going for a walk in a beautiful park on a beautiful evening

You might know that in Germany they have a concept called “torture breeding“. In that country they believe that if breeders create animals which are inherently unhealthy they should be banned. It applies to certain cat breeds such as flat-faced Persians and the hairless Sphynx. This story from The Times does not refer to …

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Breeders need to selectively breed out genetic mutation that makes 25% of Labradors flabby

Breeders need to selectively breed out genetic mutation that makes 25% of Labradors flabby

Flabby labradors suffer from a genetic mutation that affects 25% of the breed making them obsessed with eating and burning less energy in their metabolism. Why do the dog associations and clubs allow this to happen? It can be fixed by culling (removing from breeding/blood lines) those breeding dogs that carry this genetic mutation …

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8 facts which can guide you in picking the longest-lived dog breeds

Selecting a dog breed with the longest lifespan is important and this study will help you

A recent study helps us understand which dog breeds are likely to live the longest. The first ‘fact’ to take note of is that dogs breeds with short snouts have shorter lifespans than those with long snouts. The reasons is that the flattened faces of, for example, the French the English bulldogs imports health …

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Tintin’s dog Snowy a wire fox terrier has suffered a 94% collapse in its popularity since 1947

Wire fox terrier and Tintin

There are many influences on a dog breeds popularity or lack of it. It is rather shocking to note that the news media reports today that Tintin’s pal Snowy, a wire fox terrier, is heading towards extinction as a dog breed and has been placed on the “at watch” list by The Kennel Club. …

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