Example weight-loss diet for obese cats (infographic)

This example feline weight-loss diet comes from a study about obesity in animals and humans and how it alters the gut biome which in turn impacts overall health. Researchers can learn a lot about the effect on human health of obesity in reference to gut biome by studying cats; on this occasion a group …

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A good example of domestic cat exploitation on TikTok showing a grossly obese cat

Gross obesity in a domestic cat

To the best of my knowledge, TikTok is infamous for featuring animal exploitation videos. By this I mean animals such as this ginger tabby domestic cat who is being exploited by their owner who makes a ‘funny cat video’ (not so funny for me) out of his gross obesity. This is irresponsible cat ownership. …

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How does obesity affect cats?

The question in the title is current as according to VCA Hospitals in the United States, almost 60% of domestic cats in that country are overweight. There is a domestic cat overweight problem in the UK as well.  A domestic cat is considered overweight when they weigh 10-20% more than their ideal body weight, …

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Online invitations to adopt a 40.3-pound grossly obese cat went viral. Good or bad?

Patches an obese cat at 40.3 pounds prior to adoption

NEWS AND COMMENT: I think that it is worthwhile discussing this story from the point of view of ethics. Something which perhaps would not occur to most people but I think it’s a valuable discussion in this instance. Here we have a grossly obese and large domestic cat that found himself at the Richmond …

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How it took me 8 years to become slender with health benefits

8-year weight loss program

This article is indirectly about cats so please don’t think that it is not. It’s looking at the subject of domestic cats obliquely but it is just as relevant because there is a link between obese people and obese cats. The problem runs in parallel because people normalise obesity and don’t recognise it either …

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30-pound cat needs a special adopter to help him lose weight. How should they do it?

Chronically obese Sterling at the humane society

The Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV) is using their Facebook page to try and find a home for Sterling who weighs three times the normal weight for a cat of his size at 30 pounds. He is chronically obese. Cuddly, yes, but chronically obese to the point where his health is in jeopardy. …

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