Insight into how male domestic cats FEEL and behave after prepubertal neutering in reference to men who underwent the same operation

Castrated male cats feel and behave like castrated men. That's my thought.

We are so used to male cats being neutered i.e. castrated, which entails the removal of the cat’s testes, that we hardly think about it. Typically male cat castration takes place before puberty. It is called prepubertal neutering or a prepubertal gonadectomy. You won’t find any literature or very little information about how male …

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What happens if you neuter a cat too early?

Spaying and neutering cats

In this article I am interpreting the word “neuter” to apply to the sterilisation of male domestic cats (orchidectomy). That is how the word should be used because when you sterilise a female cat the word that describes the operation is “spaying” or “to spay” (ovariohysterectomy). Although, the word ‘neuter’ can apply to both …

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