Insight into how male domestic cats FEEL and behave after prepubertal neutering in reference to men who underwent the same operation

Castrated male cats feel and behave like castrated men. That's my thought.

We are so used to male cats being neutered i.e. castrated, which entails the removal of the cat’s testes, that we hardly think about it. Typically male cat castration takes place before puberty. It is called prepubertal neutering or a prepubertal gonadectomy. You won’t find any literature or very little information about how male …

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Unneutered male cats have a more masculine facial appearance compared to neutered male cats

Tomcat jowls created by the presence of testosterone

This is a discussion about whether the neutering of male cats (castration) changes their facial appearance. It can also have an impact on their overall appearance indirectly i.e. lower metabolism leading to putting on weight. But I’m focusing on the face. My argument is that it feminises the male cat face by making it …

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Castration of male domestic cats increases hair length from short to medium

Does neutering male cats make then less strong?

In a study by A.G. Searle, University College, London, entitled Gene frequencies in London’s cats, which was carried out in the summer of 1947, it was concluded that “There is a significant tendency for male castration to increase hair length from short to medium… It is well established that castration inhibits baldness in Man.”

Castration cause hair to grow
Castration cause hair to grow. Extract from the report mentioned.

My research does confirm that castration of a man will stop the balding process. You can’t reverse baldness with castration but you can stop it getting worse. Mr Searle uses that information, which appears to be accepted by the experts, to support the notion that castration of male domestic cats leads to an increase in hair length from short to medium.

My research on the Internet produced nothing which supports that assessment. That does not mean that it is incorrect. It just means that it has not been discussed and/or any discussions have not been reported on the Internet.

Male cat neutering
Male cat neutering. Photo: O’Dwyer and Jones vets.

It is a very interesting thought nonetheless. This is partly because a very high percentage of male domestic cats are castrated i.e. sterilised or neutered to use another word. And nobody has ever told me that it might increase the hair length of a cat. And I would be confident in saying that a veterinarian has hardly ever if ever told their customer that their shorthaired cat is going to have medium length hair after the neutering operation 😉. And nobody has reported that effect on my website. And indeed, my cat’s hair length did not change after he was neutered. Or that, at least, is my impression.

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Effects of Castrating a Cat (and a man)

This article is about how neutering affects the male cat. It is written from a different perspective by comparing how castration affects a man. Castrating a cat is neutering a cat. The technical term is orchidectomy. Neutering is an operation in which both testicles are removed. The operation is easy to do and often …

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Alleged: cat castrated without anesthetic in class by students at school

There was outrage last week when it was reported an animal had been castrated at a Georgia high school. I became interested in this case because Toccoa, located in Stephens County, is only one county over from where my maternal family lives. I covered the story here on Examiner, as it wasn’t announced whether …

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Columbia Chemically Castrates Their Cats

There is a way of chemically castrating dogs which is being called, “Zeutering”. The made up word comes from a chemical that is injected into the testes of dogs which neuters them because it destroys the sperm producing cells. The chemical is called Zeuterinâ„¢. It is also called zinc neutering. Chemical castration is used …

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