Holidaymakers should protest against Cyprus’s animal cruelty by not visiting

Too many feral cats in Cyprus and far too much animal cruelty of various kinds including the poisoning of kittens, cats and dogs

I’ve just visited a holiday forum on the Internet. One resident said that if you are making your first visit to Cyprus “you should be warned that animal cruelty is prevalent here”. They said that it was the “one thing I hate most about living in Cyprus after 10+ years and it doesn’t get …

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Impose strict proactive rules to solve the feral cat problem

Proactively solving the feral cat problem worldwide through strict liability laws and tougher punishments

Over many years, the experts and the websites have discussed the so-called “feral cat problem”. This is the procreation of domestic cats that become unwanted and which procreate in the wild and create feral cats. The root cause of this problem is unsatisfactory cat ownership. Once you don’t neuter and spay cats and they …

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Vet administers a pill to a cat in way which might be instructional to cat caregivers

A Cypriot veterinarian administers a pill to a cat which may be instructional to some caregivers in the UK

There are two things about this picture which are of interest to me and they might be of interest to other people too. Firstly, this is a Cypriot veterinarian administering an antiviral pill to a cat in Cyprus. It was at the time when there was a lot of news media reporting on a …

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What happens if you neuter a cat too early?

Spaying and neutering cats

In this article I am interpreting the word “neuter” to apply to the sterilisation of male domestic cats (orchidectomy). That is how the word should be used because when you sterilise a female cat the word that describes the operation is “spaying” or “to spay” (ovariohysterectomy). Although, the word ‘neuter’ can apply to both …

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Is mandatory cat registration the future of cat ownership?

Cat registration

New Zealand and Australia lead the way on discussing and implementing obligatory cat registration through specific legislation. This is because the authorities believe that they have valuable native wild species, normally small mammals and birds, which need protection against predation by indoor/outdoor cats. For example, New Zealand is a country with a low human …

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2 reasons for a kitten boom in the UK 2022

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

The Telegraph reports on information from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home on what is described as a “kitten boom”. It’s disturbing but the Covid-19 pandemic really did mess up the UK in a number of ways including pet ownership. Before Covid-19 there were an estimated 7.5 million cats and 9 million dogs in the …

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Are there more cats than humans in Cyprus?

Community cats of Cyprus

This is a reference to domestic, stray and feral cats as there are no native wild cats on the island of Cyprus. There are probably more cats than humans on Cyprus in 2022. The estimated number of stray, feral and domestic cats on the island of Cyprus varies between 1.2 million-2 million on my …

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How fast do cats breed?

Mom Cat and Kitten Cat

I’m referring to domestic, stray and feral cats. I am not referring to wild cats because there is quite a big difference. Without some sort of restraint on numbers (and there is always restraint on numbers) a cat population can increase “at a startling rate” according to Dr. Desmond Morris. And according to anybody …

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