Victory for Greta Thunberg and defeat for the British police in recent freedom of speech case

Greta Thunberg wins court case

NEWS AND COMMENT/OPINION: This is a story which ultimately is about animal conservation and is relevant to this website. I want to make that point clear early on because some people might think I am digressing. But this website is very large and I need to branch out into other areas of animal welfare …

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Greta Thunberg calls for a system-wide transformation to society to stop global warming

Greta Thunberg in the words she has used about the need to change society and the capitalist model

This topic is so big that it supersedes everything else including any discussions on cats. Climate change affects everybody and everything to the point where discussions about cat breeds and cat behaviour become meaningless. Greta Thunberg is expanding her campaigning to what she sees as the root cause of climate change; humankind’s capitalist system, …

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