Lab-grown meat can be as bad as the real thing in terms of health and climate change. Infographic.

Lab-grown meat can be as bad as the real thing in terms of health and climate change. Infographic. by Michael Broad Dr. Marco Springmann of the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University contributed to a recent study examining the environmental and health implications of lab-grown meat. The study, published in Proceedings of the National …

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In general, humans don’t like their anatomy. INFOGRAPHIC.

In general - there are many exceptions - humans don't like their anatomy. Infographic.

In general – there are many exceptions – humans don’t like their anatomy. Infographic. by Michael Broad More: human behaviour Is there any connection between the infographic and cats?! Well, I believe that there is. It’s about sterility. A lot of what we do to ‘improve’ our anatomy is to make it more sterile …

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Do cats and dogs pollute as much as cars (infographic)?

Do cats and dogs pollute as much as cars?

The infographic provides the answer with a bit of detail. When we ask about ‘pollution’ nowadays, we are referring to gaseous emissions due to human activity which damage the air quality of the planet such that they cause global warming. These are gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. See below the …

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World leaders must know that climate change is scaring the shit out of people (infographic)

Most Americans say climate change will destroy Earth in their lifetime

It seems to me that the people who have the power to do something about curbing climate change are not taking it seriously enough judging by the fact that they’ve been talking about it for almost 30 years and yet climate change is still getting worse as I type this. Thirty years to do …

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