What kind of sounds did the sabretooth cats make?

Sabre-toothed cats endurance hunting in packs in ancient times

People are very familiar with the distinctive and iconic appearance of the sabretooth tiger and other species of sabertooths, which became extinct about 10,000 years ago. They were slightly smaller than today’s biggest lions and tigers and the question being discussed here is whether they roared like a lion. A study from North Carolina …

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Purring is caused by a simple airflow over connective tissue masses embedded in the vocal fold of the larynx

The cat purr is produced by air passing through the larynx and there are no muscle contractions

Cat purring is like people talking with a vocal fry. Researchers of a new study – read on. There have been lots of theories about how domestic cats purr. At one time some experts thought that it was caused by turbulent blood! And Dr. Desmond Morris gets close to understanding how the purr sound …

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