First intact sabre-toothed tiger cub unearthed from Siberian permafrost. Infographic.

First intact sabre-toothed cub unearthed from Siberian permafrost.

First intact sabre-toothed cub unearthed from Siberian permafrost. Infographic. by Michael Broad Here is a short summary of the sabre-toothed cat from internet research: The sabre-toothed cat, often referred to as the “saber-tooth tiger,” is one of the most iconic prehistoric predators, famed for its impressive pair of elongated canine teeth. Belonging to the …

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What kind of sounds did the sabretooth cats make?

Sabre-toothed cats endurance hunting in packs in ancient times

People are very familiar with the distinctive and iconic appearance of the sabretooth tiger and other species of sabertooths, which became extinct about 10,000 years ago. They were slightly smaller than today’s biggest lions and tigers and the question being discussed here is whether they roared like a lion. A study from North Carolina …

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Sabre-toothed cats genetically suited to endurance hunting

Sabre-toothed cats endurance hunting in packs in ancient times

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have totally upended the concept of the cat as a predatory, ambush stalker as is typical of all modern cats and decided that the sabre-toothed cats of Canada were endurance hunters like modern day African wild dogs. I find it very surprising but certainly interesting. They found certain …

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