Letter ‘s’ sounds like swearing to a cat?

When cat owners say the letter 's' it sounds like swearing to their cat as it hints at the feline hiss

For me, this is a little far-fetched but it is an interesting idea proposed by PDSA vet nurse Gemma Renwick. She thinks that cats might be perturbed when a person vocalises words containing the letter ‘s’ as the sound hints at the feline hiss which is a defensive sound to warn hostiles that they …

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Is it effective to tell-off your cat?

Bad boy reprimand to a cat won't work but makes this worse

Some cat and dog owners think that they can can tell-off their companion animal to correct so-called “bad behaviour”. People are thinking in the same way they think when they tell-off their child. Humans understand what a telling-off means. Parents can explain to children why they’re being given a good telling-off with the objective …

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How does a cat feel when they are yelled at?

Yelling at cats happens but it should not

Domestic cats are very likely to feel anxious and run away and hide if they are yelled at by their owner. They understand that their owner has become ‘hostile’ which may confuse them. The severity of the anxiety and overall reaction will depend on the cat’s character. Rarely, some cats will be unresponsive, perhaps …

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Do cats like being sung to?

Do cats like being sung to?

Do cats like being sung to? The answer, as per the Infographic, is that it depends on a number of factors. You can’t just accept the scientific answer which is that domestic cats don’t like human music and therefore they don’t like their owner singing to them. That’s too simplistic. Human singing can be …

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Do you sometimes yell at your cat or dog?

Never shout or yell at your cat or dog

If you have sometimes yelled at your cat or dog I wouldn’t blame you. Perhaps you are very stressed. It is very easy to be stressed nowadays. The world is very stressful! There’s all kinds of things which stress people including, in the UK, scammers. The UK is drowning in scammers. Scammers on the …

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Neighbours think this woman is yelling at her daughter when she’s yelling at her cat

Woman yells at her cat and thinks it OK

Hannah Rose on Reddit.com posted a statement which reads: “My neighbours are talking sh*t about me while I’m outside smoking. Saying I’m a bad mom and they only hear me yelling at Phoebe and they have never seen me take my “daughter” out of the house. Phoebe is my cat.” RELATED: Cats: Noise Stress …

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