Is it effective to tell-off your cat?

Bad boy reprimand to a cat won't work but makes this worse

Some cat and dog owners think that they can can tell-off their companion animal to correct so-called “bad behaviour”. People are thinking in the same way they think when they tell-off their child. Humans understand what a telling-off means. Parents can explain to children why they’re being given a good telling-off with the objective …

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The do’s and don’ts of owning a cat

Do's and don'ts of owning a cat

If you live in America and would like a short four-point list of the do’s and don’ts of owning a cat, I’d suggest the following. Of course, the list could be huge but I’ve tried to whittle it down to four. Also, this is a personal choice. Everyone will have their own. Please share …

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Infographic on cat punishment versus divine intervention

Infographic on cat training - divine intervention versus punishment

I am not going to add many more words other than those in the infographic as I believe it explains the difference well. A problem is that people can understandably relate to their cat companion as a little human and family member because that is what they are for many cat caregivers. Or they …

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Why a robotic vacuum cleaner might be better than a standard one for a cat owner

Cat rides on a vacuum cleaner

This point has not been discussed as far as I am aware. The potential problem came to me this morning. We know that nearly all domestic cats are frightened of vacuum cleaners because of the noise they make. To a domestic cat they can look like a hostile, noisy predator. And pushing the vacuum …

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Should I rub my cat’s nose in his pee?

Cat pee under black light

You should not rob your cat’s nose in his pee no matter what he has done to urinate inappropriately. They won’t have a clue what is going on except that it is a bad and frightening experience. The same applies to pooping inappropriately and the same applies to dogs in both cases. The rule …

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Do cats understand “No”?

Saying No to a cat does no work as expected or as desired

Domestic cats don’t understand “No”. However, they will understand that you are making a certain sound in a stern voice. You’re using a stern voice because you want your cat to stop doing something which displeases you. You may even shout or raise your voice. You want to drill the message home into your …

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Cat punishment versus divine intervention

Don't punish your cat with water spray

Anyone with reasonable knowledge of cat guardianship knows that punishing a domestic cat is pointless. It’s worse than pointless. It achieves an objective which is unintended: it frightens a cat to the point where they might avoid their human companion depending on the severity of the punishment. Cat training through punishment – negative reinforcement …

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Are spray bottles effective on cats?

Don't punish your cat with water spray

This is a pretty old question and one that pops up frequently. I think it’s still relevant because when you search on the Internet and read about it in books it is apparent that it remains a popular way to alter the behaviour of cats. Jackson Galaxy (who’s visited many homes with cat problems) …

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