A cat’s sense of touch – paws, nose and whiskers

A definition of touch might be: To cause or permit a part of the body, especially the hand or fingers, to come in contact with (something) so as to feel..”1. Touch is not confined to touching an object with our hands. And it is not confined to people – of course. Cats can and do touch in a most sensitive way and they don’t only use their paws. A cat’s sense of touch includes sensing pressure, warmth, cold and pain. Touch is the first sense that is utilized in the newborn cat as it is the earliest developed sense.

Marvin and Daisy
Marvin and Daisy. Photo: Dorothy.

Just took this photo about 10 mins ago (May 21, 2022 at 15:25):

Gabs likes to touch
Gabs likes to touch. Photo: MikeB

Domestic cats simply like to be in contact with other cats, dogs and/or their caregivers

This is my cat who likes to reach out and touch me. He leaves his paw there for as long as he stays in position. Cats, like humans, enjoy and need contact comfort too. This is provided by us in the form of stroking and petting and from other cats through mutual grooming. This is called, allogrooming.

Cats like to touch their owners and other cats
Cats like to touch their owners and other cats. Image: MikeB
Cat touching my hand
My cat touching my hand but he does not like me holding his hand.

Tolerant to warmth

Neonatal (newborn) kittens respond to changes in temperature and seek out warmth and tactile comfort. Linda P. Case makes an interesting point in her book The Cat, Its Behavior, Nutrition & Health. Humans feel distinctly uncomfortable at temperatures above 112°F (44°C). Cats, however, can tolerate and indeed like very warm temperatures as hot as 126°F (52°C). I should think that all cat lovers and keepers can recognize that characteristic. Sleeping next to a fire or radiator comes to mind, or lying in the sun. When a cat lies in hot sun with a double coat that is black (heat absorbing) it must get mighty hot next to the skin. Cats are more enduring in that sense too. This probably comes from the African wildcat the wild cat ancestors of the domestic cat.


Cats use their paws with great dexterity. Some cats have paws that are nearly like the fingers of a human hand. I am thinking of the serval, a wildcat that pounces on small prey and grabs it with finger like paws. On the domestic side, the Sphynx cat has monkey like characteristics and uses its long paws to grab and touch – see the picture at base of article.

RELATED: Video showing the dextrous athleticism of domestic cats

Sphynx cat arm and paw showing long toes
Sphynx cat arm and paw showing long toes. Photo by [rich] under license

A good number of wild cats grab fish out of streams with their paws. The cat has several “unique adaptations” regarding the sense of touch. The cat’s paw has a “large number of mechanoreceptors”2. These are sensory receptors that responds to mechanical pressure or distortion. They are vital in assisting with the manipulation of prey while hunting.


Apparently, the highest density of receptors is found “between the foot and toe pads”2. This provides the paw with great sensitivity. In the domestic cat this sensitivity and dexterity is seen in playing with objects and sometimes for example, pawing at drinking water or food. Or even dipping the paw into water and then licking the paw (Cat Drinking Water). My cat, Charlie, often likes to place his left paw on my hand. He does this deliberately and with purpose. It is not a haphazard incidental thing. He must like the touch of my warm skin and the tactile comfort it brings.


We know that cats also touch with their hair! Yes, their magnificent whiskers (vibrissae) which are found on the muzzle, side of face and above the eyes are extremely sensitive. At the base of the whiskers are receptors.

RELATED: 20 facts about cat whiskers

The cat also has sensitive carpal hairs, which are found on the back of the front wrists. Both the vibrissae and carpal hairs are sensitive to air currents and they provide sensory information about the position of the legs and head particularly at dusk and dawn in poor light. Air currents change when going around objects so a lot of information is relayed to the cat.

Cat Reflexes
Photo: Pinterest

The whiskers can touch like fingers and are used to locate the exact place on the nape of the neck for the cat to place its teeth when severing the spine of prey3! Shocking but extremely impressive. A cat will use its whiskers this way at night when hunting to aid it in killing prey. The whiskers above the eyes help protect the eyes. When they are stimulated the eyes close (blink).

Because cats are essential solitary creatures “allogrooming is not well established in cats”2 (generally). Although, cats are adaptable and they do live in groups when needed for survival i.e. food is available. In multiple cat households cats will sometimes allogroom. I am thinking of Martha Kane’s Ceeta and Speedy. They love each other and each other’s company so mutual groom often. You can see these two cats half way down this page: The Rescue and Feral Cats of Martha Kane.

RELATED: Domestic cats’ desire to touch tells us that they are sociable

The most obvious example of allogrooming is mother to kitten. This is an important form of communication. It transfers to us as substitute parents to the adult cat, which humans keep in a kind of suspended kittenhood because of our caretaking which includes stroking as a substitute for allogrooming.

In feral cat colonies mutual grooming will sometimes take place when the cats are resting. But it depends on the individual cat – they are all individuals with their own characters; likes and dislikes.

Nose touch

I must not forget the greeting behaviours of the domestic cat which includes the nose touch. This is very common to see and you see between cats and their caregivers, kittens and their mothers and individual adult cats with other adults living in a colony perhaps. It is a friendly greeting especially when combined with the tail up position.

RELATED: Cat-to-human friendly nose touch greeting

Mother Cat Kisses Her Kitten
Mother Cat Kisses Her Kitten. A nose touch greeting, Pic in public domain.

Declaw – please never

One last point on the subject of a cat’s sense of touch. Bearing in mind the paw’s sensitivity and usefulness, don’t you think it extremely cruel to rip out the last digit of all the cat’s toes on both forelegs for a person’s convenience? This is called declawing.

Above: At a London cat show Sphynx touches owner. Photo: Michael @ PoC
A paw or a hand! Polydactyl Maine Coon cat Tootsie. See base of page for link.

A paw or a hand! Polydactyl Maine Coon cat Tootsie.

See also:

Domestic Cats

Cat Behavior

See Tootsie (new window)


1. The Free Dictionary

2. The Cat, Its Behavior, Nutrition & Health published by Blackwell Publishing – IBSN 978-0-8138-0031-9 — page 46 and 47.

3. Cat Watching by Desmond Morris.

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Oct 20, 2010
8 ball
by: kathy

My sons cat 8 Ball (God rest her soul) would only drink water off of her paw. Her whole life thats the only way she would drink. We never saw her drink water any other way. My new 8 pawed cat hasnt done anything remarkable yet with her big paws except swat little quanah in the head. He seems to be recovering slowly. Now hes intimidated by her. So now they are taking turns being out. Well she goes back in her cage now at night because that seems like when shes most active. Now Quanah is in the bedroom while she has run of the living room. I dont want to leave them together unsupervised.

Oct 20, 2010
Interesting and informative
by: Ruth

Thank you Michael for a very interesting and informative article.
Cats can’t speak the same language as us, but as you say they do communicate with us by touch.
Vets and nurses can test how deeply unconscious a patient is by testing the reflex in the paw along with the reflex of the eye and that’s how we did that before all the fancy anaesthetic machines with readings came along.
The paws are very sensitive and that makes declawing a very cruel and extremely painful operation for cats.
How I wish all vets would admit this and stop declawing.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth


5 thoughts on “A cat’s sense of touch – paws, nose and whiskers”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. OMG Mike you have to see this video. I think the cat missed her dog friend but didn’t want to leave her kittens all alone. I don’t think she needed a break from the kittens as they owner suggests. Or she was introducing her kittens to her dog friends.

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