Cat of the week: the largest Maine Coon I have seen

Here is a thumpingly large Maine Coon. You won’t see a larger domestic cat unless someone calls a tamed puma a domestic cat. The Maine Coon is the largest domestic cat breed (excluding F1 wild cat hybrids).


Not only is he impressively large, I have never seen lynx typed ears with such long hair. And it is orange hair. He is an orange (red) tabby cat too (strictly speaking tabby and white). I always think that red tabbies are a bit special.

His hair is as long as a Persian cat’s hair that has been bred to extreme. His tail is plumed to magnificence but we can’t see it extended. The hair on his tail is about 9 inches long.

His face is as cute as can be and his head is almost as large as the head of the woman who is carrying him who I presume is his caretaker and companion. She may be his creator (breeder).

I don’t know enough about this cat. I don’t even know who took the photo – sorry. I am sure someone will tell me. He should weigh in at the very top end of pure domestic cats (non-wild cat hybrids) at around 25+ lbs. That’s a guess, though.

The world’s largest cat is on this page (an article about the largest cats domestic to wild).  See wild cat species by size is on this page.

Associated: Red tabby Maine Coon Dante (an amazingly attractive cat).

47 thoughts on “Cat of the week: the largest Maine Coon I have seen”

  1. Thank Michael for such a quick reply 🙂 I think i need to trip to Poland next summer 😉 Both are so cute <3

  2. Hey Michael,

    Usually we compare eyes of a women & cat. The cat always wins but this time cat looses the contest. Who is she ? I would like to be her friend lol 🙂

  3. No problem about the delay with moderation Michael. I wasn’t sure if the off site links would be ok, but I thought others might like to see more of Mozart and other cats from the same breeder.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I find the different global interpretations of the breed “ideal” interesting. There are a few US breeders importing Maine Coon’s from Polish catteries as their look is finding favour with people who consider this “wilder” looking MC more attractive. Whether they will gain widespread popularity or win US cat shows remains to be seen.

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