Lux branded as “a violent cat” should not receive “therapy”

Lux, the cat branded as violent should not receive “therapy” unless a very careful analysis has taken place and that there is a real and genuine reason for it. By therapy I presume that the cat’s owner is referring to some sort of medication such as a tranquilliser to medicate the cat and make …

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This cat has a “history of violence” – or does it?

A cat owner in Oregon, USA says that his Himalayan cat has a history of violence. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is not the cat that is violent or out-of-control as described, but that the cat lives in a home that is unsuitable for a domestic cat. In short, the out of …

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Cat Hits Back

Cat hits back

I like this video because the cat hits back. I love it when the cat hits back, which is extremely rare if the antagonist is a person. But I hate the video. It is horrible. So often the cat just becomes defensive and aggressive if he is constantly abused. This video show a kid …

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