Why do cats prefer dirty water?

Why do cas prefer dirty water?

Why do cats prefer dirty water? The internet has been incredibly educational regarding cat welfare and therefore I would expect most people to know the answer to this question but for the sake of clarity I’ll discuss it in any case. Chemicals We know that there are chemicals in tap water. It is often …

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Should cats drink purified water?

Cat getting water

Common sense informs me that in an ideal world the best water for cats is free of all harmful substances. This means that, in theory, it is neither tap water nor bottle water nor softened water. In short, purified water is possibly better for your cat than any other water but tap water sustains …

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Do Cats Prefer Cold Water?

Do cats prefer cold water?

It is probably fair and sensible to say that today’s domestic cats prefer cold water because it is an inherited trait from their wild cat ancestor living in North Africa and Asia. Also domestic cats have become habituated to drinking freshwater straight out of the faucet or bottled water out of the fridge.

Cats Getting Water

Cats getting water

These images are large thumbnails. You can click on them to see the full image in a larger format (usually). You then use the back button (on the browser – top left of screen) to return to the gallery. Cats like fresh water. Water fountains are good for that provided they are cleaned regularly. …

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