Minimizing cat gum disease with diet and bones. Infographic.

Dr Bruce Fogle DVM is well regarded as a vet and writer. In some ways he states the obvious when he recommends that domestic cats be fed chicken with the bones in place and to train cats to accept this from an early age. This is because a diet with bones is entirely natural. …

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Peke-face Persian’s eating and oral health problems. Infographic explains.

Misaligned carnassial teeth of the Peke-face Persian and associated health issues

The infographic highlights potential eating and oral health issues faced by Peke-face Persians, caused by their shortened facial structure. This is the result of decades of extreme selective breeding that prioritizes appearance over health. This breed suffers many other health problems for the same reason (see some links below the infographic). I have argued …

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Infographic summarises some Persian cat coat, eye and oral health problems

Flat-faced Persian cat coat, eye and mouth problems. INFOGRAPHIC.

What one takes away from this 2019 study is that the modern (contemporary flat-faced) Persian cat’s health could and should be improved with a change to the breed standard to neutralise the extreme facial anatomy and normalise a skull and facial features which are nearer to what we expect of the domestic cat. This …

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Exorbitant veterinary fee forces owner into DIY dentistry

DIY animal dentistry

A woman living in South Wales, UK, said that she was forced into trimming her hamster’s teeth herself in an act of DIY animal dentistry because her veterinarian had quoted £500 for the task. Danielle Amos, from Sarn, near Bridgend, believes that the veterinarian’s quote was “ridiculous” and confirmed that she had been forced …

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No wet cat food waste (infographic)

Empty bowl under a no waste wet cat food regime

Do you aspire to that cat caregiving utopian ideal of no wet food waste left in the bowl after a feeding or even after five feedings? Well, I’ve achieved it. I’m boasting but I’ve done it through precision feeding. The Infographic explains the MO but I will add a few words. There are perhaps …

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5 things you can do to take care of your cat’s teeth

Proactive measures to help your cat maintain good oral health

Any cat caregiver who is switched on to high quality cat caregiving knows that oral health is a major problem for domestic cats. It’s really quite hard to ensure that a cat maintains good oral health. Normally, we don’t brush their teeth and the kind of food we give them can sometimes help promote …

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Picture of a tortoiseshell cat with a tooth protruding into the opening of their nostril

To almost everyone except veterinarians, this is a very unusual cat photograph. It shows the closed mouth and the nose of a tortoiseshell cat with a tooth protruding from the upper jaw into the opening of the right nostril. And if you look to the right of the picture there appears to be two …

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Calling all kitten adopters. Start them on chicken bones!

This is the advice of Dr Bruce Fogle DVM MRVS, the world’s best-known veterinarian/author. By birth he is Canadian, living in England. “I was born on February 17, 1944 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where I was raised and educated, graduating in 1970 with a DVM degree (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) from the Ontario Veterinary …

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