What Causes Struvite Crystals in Cats?

Firstly, what are struvite crystals? We often read about them in conjunction with feline urinary health problems. The Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic tell us that struvites come about when molecules become lumped together and precipitate out of the urine to form crystals. When these crystals come together too much they form stones in the …

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Feline Urinary Tract Infection | Natural Cure

There is a commonsense and natural way to deal with feline urinary tract infections and inflammations. I was prompted to write this because my recent post set out the ten most common cat illnesses. The number one slot is occupied by urinary tract infections (UTIs). I also have first hand experience of caring for …

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Cat drinking a lot of water?

This is almost invariably about kidney malfunction/failure…. “Cat drinking a lot of water?” is something that comes up as a query on the Internet. Other search terms are: “cat drinking too much water” and “cat excessive vocalizations and drinking”. Sometimes cats drink out of the toilet and basin but this does not necessarily imply …

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