How Do Cats Learn To Open Doors?

Cat opening door

People would like to know how cats open doors fitted with the lever-type handle. They search for an answer using Google. This page attempts to provide an answer. Cats learn to open doors with a lever handle under the process called “operant conditioning”. What is operant conditioning? Operant conditioning is also called “instrumental learning”. …

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Why dogs are much easier to train than cats

Why the sound of a clicker helps in training your dog or cat

This will be a very short post because the reason why dogs are self-evidently much easier to train than cats can be delivered in a succinct way according to Dr Bradshaw. There are two reasons behind this well-known difference between dogs and cats. Firstly, dogs find the simple act of human attention rewarding whereas …

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Training Cats: Comparing Dog Training And Human Training

Punishing techniques on dogs has much the same effect as it has when physical punishment is applied to children, which is an increase in aggressive behaviour generally and specifically increased aggression towards the individual who is applying the punishment. I think it is fair to conclude that training by negative reinforcement or punishment whether …

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Cats don’t respond to your voice. True or false?

Cats recognise their human caretaker’s voice but don’t respond, so state reports in newspapers of a new study from the University of Japan. All that cats do is to turn their head and position their ears to show us that they recognise our voice. Is this what you find? The first point to make …

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