Breeders and trainers make banning dog breeds unsuccessful. Infographic.

It is dawning on the UK government and I suspect other legislators that banning dog breeds because they are dangerous is impractical and unsuccessful. Any dog breed can be dangerous and any dog breed can be a wonderful pet. It is all down to selective breeding and training. The sad thing is that any …

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Neither positive reinforcement nor punishment, there is an “intermediate space” between the two in dog/cat training

Neither positive reinforcement nor punishment, there is an "intermediate space" between the two in dog/cat training

The mantra for so many years has been that the only way to train your dog or cat is through positive reinforcement. This is reward-based. The concept of punishment to get a dog or cat to do what you want them to do has been quite rightly outlawed. It doesn’t work. It just makes …

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Described as a cat in a dog’s body. What breed is it?

The incredibly stubborn Husky

So, this companion animal groomer (the girl with the dogs) with a TikTok account has boldly and successfully – judging by the more than 10m views – claimed that a husky is a cat in a dog’s body by which she means they are ‘incredibly stubborn’ and hard to train. My research confirms it. …

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Why dogs are much easier to train than cats

Why the sound of a clicker helps in training your dog or cat

This will be a very short post because the reason why dogs are self-evidently much easier to train than cats can be delivered in a succinct way according to Dr Bradshaw. There are two reasons behind this well-known difference between dogs and cats. Firstly, dogs find the simple act of human attention rewarding whereas …

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