The British pay lip service to wildlife conservation. It is worse in the UK than in Africa.

Imageby DALL·E 2024-11-03 08.00.53 - A detailed, realistic scene of a hedgehog walking through a small hole in a wooden fence in a backyard.

In The Sunday Times today there is a brilliant article by Rod Liddle; the journalist who comments on the news in an unfiltered and very personal way. And what he says about British wildlife conservation very much chimes with my thoughts except for his view on cats 😊, which I mention at the end …

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Giant detection rats as good as dogs sniff out wildlife body parts in East Africa

Sniffer rats

The world hates rats. Unfair. Speciesism in action. Although, some people love them and this story may change the public profile of this much maligned ‘pest’ so mercilessly persecuted by humans. They are smart and eminently trainable with memories as good as the best sniffer dogs. Being a lot smaller they can rummage around …

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The world is not big enough for wild wolves and greedy people

Wolf versus human sadly because the wolf needs more space than we can give them

There isn’t enough space on the planet it seems to me to re-wild nature with wolves because there’s always an animal-human conflict at the end of the process. You will see many stories of rewilding exercises in Europe normally wolves and bears. And you’ll also see the resultant conflict between these animals and people …

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