IUCN Red List is broken and needs an overhaul

Slender-billed curlew

Conservationists across the globe rely upon the IUCN Red List (“Red List”) to understand the current status of wild species in terms of their survival and whether they are threatened with extinction. I have visited their website often and noticed how out of date the information is. Often the latest information is about 10 …

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The world is not big enough for wild wolves and greedy people

Wolf versus human sadly because the wolf needs more space than we can give them

There isn’t enough space on the planet it seems to me to re-wild nature with wolves because there’s always an animal-human conflict at the end of the process. You will see many stories of rewilding exercises in Europe normally wolves and bears. And you’ll also see the resultant conflict between these animals and people …

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Scientist proposes a ‘lunar ark’, a vault on the moon, to store frozen samples of endangered animals (infographic)

This story is both interesting – particularly if you are interested in science – and concerning. It might even be very worrying to some people. The lead author of this report, Mary Hagedorn, a marine biologist at the Smithsonian institution in Washington DC, has suggested that initially the frozen tissue of endangered animal species …

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Fact check on ‘domestic cats eat more than 2000 species’

Domestic cat preying on a classic prey animal, the common mouse

Late last year there were many articles on the Internet which stated that domestic cats eat more than 2000 species. In other words, domestic cats across the world preyed upon 2000+ different species of animal. It caused a lot of consternation in conservationists. I have read one or two of the articles based on …

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Complex interplay between Australia’s feral cats, invasive rabbits and native mammals

Feral cat of Australia

There is a confusing (to me) and complex interplay between the feral cats on the Australian continent, the rabbits upon which they prey, and the conservation of precious native mammals. European rabbits were introduced to Australia in the 18th century. European cats were also introduced to the continent at a similar time (as were …

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Vaccinating Siberian tigers against canine distemper virus

Amur tiger

A research study by the scientists of Cornell Wildlife Health Center, in association with others e.g. Dr. Sarah Cleaveland of the University of Glasgow, have concluded that even a low rate of vaccination at two Siberian tigers per year within a small population can reduce the tigers’ risk of extinction significantly “at a cost …

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