We depend on the nature we are destroying. Infographic.

Humankind is orphaned from nature and its billions of years of evolution. This disconnect from nature is harmful to both humankind and the planet in general. Nature is our natural parents. Connect with nature and you go home to your roots. That’s why it is beneficial. The disconnect from nature came about because of …

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The world is not big enough for wild wolves and greedy people

Wolf versus human sadly because the wolf needs more space than we can give them

There isn’t enough space on the planet it seems to me to re-wild nature with wolves because there’s always an animal-human conflict at the end of the process. You will see many stories of rewilding exercises in Europe normally wolves and bears. And you’ll also see the resultant conflict between these animals and people …

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Petchems have cynically misled the public for decades about recycling plastic

Plastic pollution is everywhere on the planet and the petrochemical companies need to step up to the plate and do their bit to save the planet from this crisis which is poisoning all of us and our companion animals.

I am driven to believe that as a race we are doomed. What I mean is humankind is doomed if big business disregards the health of the planet in the interests of their financial profits and to the extent that they will deceive and try to pull the wool over the eyes of the …

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Here’s why you should wear surgical gloves when applying cat flea treatments

Wear surgical gloves to apply cat flea spot on treatments to protect nature

This is a short post to drive a point home about the toxicity of cat flea treatments, the most common of which are the spot-on treatments in which a drop of an insecticide is placed on the cat’s skin between the shoulder blades where the cat can’t get at it. This preventative treatment is …

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Relentless rise in human population in the UK is killing off the hazel dormouse

Hazel dormouse

NEWS AND COMMENT: There is an interesting little article in The Times today about the rare hazel dormouse going extinct in effect in the UK. The gradual extinction of the hazel dormouse in the UK is a paradigm of the causes of extinction of other species in the UK, which is why I am …

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Iconic sycamore gap tree chainsawed. 16-year-old arrested.

Iconic Sycamore tree felled in an act of vandalism

There is worldwide dismay at the felling of a treasured tree; the world-renowned and iconic Sycamore Gap Tree in Northumberland which won the public vote to be crowned Tree of the Year in 2016 by the Woodland Trust. The charity described it as “one of the most photographed trees in the UK”. The reason …

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Have you ever laid down on the grass outside with your cat? She might like it.

Lie down with your cat outside as it alters the relationship

I have a theory. I think domestic cats will normally like being with their human caregiver if they can go outside to their backyard, which hopefully has a lawn of some sort, lie on the lawn and let their cat join them. In doing this the normal interrelationship between human and cat is dramatically …

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