Man-eating Lion in Gir National Park Will Be Taken to a Zoo

Once they have found him, a man-eating lion living in the north-west of India in the Gir National Park will be spared and placed in a zoo instead of being shot. I like that. It is the kind of attitude which pleases me. In the past this would not have happened. A “white hunter” …

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Asiatic Lion Refuge in Gujarat, India Has Been Successful but Is Now under Threat

The only place where the wild Asiatic lion lives is in the Gir Forest, Gujarat, India. It has been a success story. The population of lions has increased. In 1968 there were less than 200 lions. Today the number is 441. There are calls to relocate some of the lions to another reserve. This …

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Another Sanctuary For The Asiatic Lion

Hundreds of villagers are being forced out of their homes in central India to make way for a new Asiatic lion sanctuary in an area where the animals were hunted to the brink of extinction in the nineteenth century. The reason why it has been decided to create a second sanctuary for the Asiatic …

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