It is quite easy to become a poor cat caregiver 😢. You transfer the stresses of life’s vicissitudes onto your cat. It is understandable as for humans things are getting more stressful in general nowadays (March 2025). It is easy to bring home one’s anxieties and stress-induced behavioural problems.
It is harder to hide these from one’s cat. It’s like having a child. Good parents bend over backwards to create a warm and emotionally friendly environment for their child no matter how they feel in the interests of creating a rounded and well-balanced individual as an adult. This is vital in order for the child to grow into a productive and confident individual when they become independent.
Parents need to show their children LOVE. Children need to see and feel their parents love. The same applies to domestic cats 💕😃💖💓 as cats are just as sentient as children.
If you let human anxieties and stresses leak out and manifest themselves in interactions with the domestic cat companion you become an irresponsible cat caregiver albeit for a moment. As I said if it happens it is entirely understandable but at the same time unacceptable.
Poor human behaviour is nearly always the root cause of cat abandonment. Click this to see an infographic on that topic if you wish.
More: anxiety